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Warehouse safety improvement ideas for employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is crucial for the success of any organization, regardless of its industry. Many factors affect employee satisfaction and vary depending on a business’s sector. Occupational health and safety is a major determinant of logistics and warehousing employee satisfaction.

Let’s explore the definition of employee satisfaction, its relationship with workplace safety in the warehousing and logistics field and how to improve safety to increase job satisfaction.

What is employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction refers to how satisfied workers are with their job. According to Zendesk, it’s generally predicated on the following facets:

  • Intra-organizational communication.
  • Working conditions such as business hours.
  • Role variety and job description accuracy.
  • Salary or wage and benefits.
  • Employee contact and support.
  • Job security.
  • Skills development opportunities.
  • Company values.
  • Recognition and rewards.
  • Work-life balance.

Employee satisfaction rates play a vital role in achieving a business’s goals because it affects engagement and retention/turnover rates. When employees are engaged, they’re inspired to go above and beyond the call of duty to help their company succeed.

Satisfied employees are less likely to resign, meaning organizations can enjoy the benefits of retaining skilled workers without having to spend time and resources on onboarding new ones.

What role does warehouse safety play in employee satisfaction?

Occupational health and safety is especially paramount in sectors that are potentially dangerous or hazardous. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost 3 out of every 100 workers are injured on the job and the warehousing and logistics sector sees 350 incidents per 10,000 workers — the third-highest of all industries.

A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology discovered that high levels of workplace safety increased employee engagement, morale and retention because employees who feel that management cares about their wellbeing are more enthusiastic about their work.

How can you improve warehouse safety to increase employee satisfaction?

As SHP Online explains, businesses need to take a common sense approach to safety. This can be achieved by:

  • Controlling workplace temperatures.
  • Checking machinery quality.
  • Separating vehicle roads and pedestrian pathways.
  • Installing safety rails and barriers.
  • Inspecting walkway surface levels and grip.
  • Conducting proper training.

Most importantly, management needs to communicate their health and safety policies with employees to address concerns and implement appropriate corrective measures. As Qlicket reports, a study conducted by the consulting firm Antea Group found that fewer than 60% of “blue collar” workers will discuss workplace safety issues. Further, a study carried out by The Hartford Financial Services Group discovered that fewer than 65% of employees knew that workers’ compensation covers workplace injuries.

Thus, companies can increase employee satisfaction by making material improvements to their health and safety strategies and by educating their employees on these strategies. Managers should encourage their staff to make inquiries about any anxiety or worries they have about their workplace health and safety.

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