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Who is responsible for safety in the workplace

Does your talented contingent workforce know the hazards associated with their jobs & the necessary precautions that they need to take to be safe?
Gary Garofano, Employbridge Risk & Safety Manager

New workers are three times more likely to have a lost-time injury than workers who have been employed at the same location for more than a year. This can be challenging for temporary workers and the companies utilizing them for two reasons:

  • Temporary workers have more first days on the job and are often assigned to seasonal or short-term project work where adequate safety training is less likely to be received.
  • Injuries can wreak havoc on your safety culture, production numbers and costs; they are traumatic for everyone involved.  Since host employers are generally the supervising entity, adding additional injuries to your Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) log can increase the chances of your establishment receiving an unplanned or targeted OSHA inspection. Employers can be fined up to $125,000 per repeat or willful violation.

Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

Safety starts with a well- trained workforce which is everyone’s responsibility.  In the staffing industry, the term “co-employment “  is often used by concerned Human Resources professionals.  Many are surprised to learn that co-employment does not exist when it pertains to the safety and health of temporary and contract workers assigned to your facility or jobsite. OSHA considers this a joint responsibility.  Staffing companies may be responsible for covering the Worker’s Compensation cost when a temporary worker suffers an injury, however the host employer also incurs multiple indirect costs.  According to OSHA, the proper safety and health management systems can reduce injury and illness costs, including indirect costs, by 20 to 40 percent for all stakeholders.

The Employbridge Difference

At Employbridge, we are in the people business.  Our safety professionals will partner with you to establish effective safety and health training beyond the minimum OSHA requirements.  Everyone deserves a fair chance at a long, safe, healthy life!

What is your current staffing provider doing to intentionally contribute to your safety culture?

Call your Employbridge representative today to schedule a survey to ensure that your contingent workforce stays safe, healthy and is available to serve your future needs.


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